Sun Hat - Azure
Sun Hat - Azure
Sun Hat - Azure
Sun Hat - Azure

Sun Hat - Azure

259 kr
Color: Azure Blue
Azure Blue
Size: 0-12 M
0-12 M
1-2 Y
2-4 Y
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UV Sun- and Swim Hat with Cap Practical and smart sun hat. This swim hat offers UV-protection on covered areas.The sun- and Swim hat has a good fit with a shade which protects from the sun.The sun hat is made from High-tech fabrics to keep delicate skin on the neck ears and face safe from harmful raysNice to wear in both wet and dry conditions.STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®Provides sun protection on covered areasThe fabric is breathable and dries quicklyMaterial: 82% Polyamide, 18% ElastaneWashable at 30 degrees CAir drying is recommendedSun protective swimwear provides effective protection against the sun UV rays on covered areas.
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